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Simula part-time internships

Søknadsfrist: 2. september 2022 23:59

Simula is a publicly-owned ICT research lab. Our main objective is to reach new levels of understanding and to create vital knowledge about fundamental scientific challenges that are of genuine value to society. Learn more about Simula in this video.

At Simula, we have now announced around 25 part-time internships for the fall of 2022. They are all varied projects of different topics, sizes and durations, and all with hourly-based wage. The overarching subjects are complex software systems, numerical analysis, scientific computing, computational physiology, autonomous software systems, high performance computing, intelligent distributed systems, IT management and more.

We are looking for both bachelor's and master's students in mathematics, informatics or other specializations in technology. Candidates are encouraged to apply by September 2, with startup as soon as possible. 

Read more about the internships and projects here: https://www.simula.no/education/simula-internships 

Link: Simula part-time internships